5-and-6-1165190Your exercise tip – What your blood pressure does during exercise.

Our blood pressure when exercising can fluctuate quite markedly.  Some of us have no issue and don’t notice anything, whereas others can really struggle.  Ultimately this can be detrimental to our plan to improve our health.  So what happens to cause these effects?

Throughout our life, all the sensors and systems in our body are trying to maintain what is called homeostasis.  This is when all systems and functions of the body are kept at an ideal level.  When we exercise, our body needs oxygen to replenish energy used by that/those particular muscle/s.  The oxygen levels at the working muscles will drop and waste product production will increase (a consequence of the exertion).  To counter this, the body constricts the veins leaving the muscle and dilates the arteries carrying oxygenated blood in.  It will also reduce blood flow to other parts of the body.

When you are completing pulling exercises, the body constricts the blood flow to the lower body.  As a consequence, there is a build-up of pressure, which increases the systolic (the high number of our blood pressure).  Think of it like a large hose with high water pressure joining a smaller hose and trying to push that same amount of water out, at the same rate – there is bound to be a build-up of pressure.

Next week I will cover how you can train to alleviate these issues.

Your health tip – Saturated and trans fats

A simple explanation from the heart foundation on saturated fats, trans fats and the recommended levels of consumption.

Exercise of the week

This week we are covering a basic pushing exercise that improves shoulder, arm and chest strength called the single arm overhead band press. The tips are:

  • Have the band set underneath the arch of the foot, while the legs are hip width apart.
  • Keep the shoulders back and the eyes up, aiming to look directly at a point across the room.
  • Make the movement as smooth as possible upwards, breathing out as you do so.
  • Maintain the same speed on the downward action as the upward action.

Your life tip

Some of your most treasured memories will be small moments in time when you laugh and enjoy the company of a friend.  Enjoy the company of those who matter to you.

This week’s wise words

We are confined only in the walls we build for ourselves.


Have a great week and keep healthy in 2016.   David.

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