5-in-stone-1555558Welcome to this week’s Five from David

Your exercise tip – What is HIIT (High intensity interval training) and the benefits?

High intensity interval training is another way to train the body to become healthier and fitter.  Like any form of training, it has its good points and effects which you need to be aware of.

If you are looking at training for an event that will require a high rate of effort or an event that has intermixed elements of intense activity, HIIT may be an option to consider.

Your health tip – have you tried the cabbage as part of your diet?

On a recent trip to Japan, Kirstie and I came across some tasty places to eat in back alleys.  One common theme was the use of cabbage in salads and many other meals.  Another way it was presented (which was a pleasant surprise) was as a fresh rolled leaf to use in a variety of dips of choice.

The health benefits of cabbage are it is high in vitamin C (which boosts our immunity and helps maintain skin elasticity), has plenty of good dietary fibre for bowel health and anti-oxidants to help repair our vascular (blood transport system).  Most people associate cabbage with excess wind production by the body and a bad smell when cooking. This has shown to be caused by eating cabbage that is overcooked.

The next time you are at the farmer’s market, throw in a cabbage and give it a go.

Exercise of the week

This week we are covering the Burpee.  This is a great full body exercise, as well as having benefits for the cardiovascular system as well. Tips for this exercise are:

  • Take it slow to start with, allowing yourself time to become used to the movements first, not speed.
  • Breathing can be tricky, depending on your fitness level. Try and =have a rhythm with the movements and breathing as best you can.  Slow it down if you need to.
  • To increase the difficulty, take the legs out straighter (in a dynamic action) on the down part, and emphasise the push upwards when returning to the standing position.
  • If you have back issues, or problems with your blood pressure, this is not for you.


Your life tip

Don’t worry about being a little scared or nervous when trying something new.  Life is not so bad stepping out of your comfort zone.

This week’s wise words

“Eagles don’t catch flies.”

Desiderius Erasmus (1465-1536)

Have a great week and keep healthy in 2016.   David.

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