Continuing on from last week, here are some general and nutrition tips to help you with your weight loss goals at home.
A key to weight loss exercise at home is having a usable and easily accessible space to exercise. Try and ensure that you have enough clear space so that if you were to lie down on the ground, you would not be obstructed by any objects. A few modifications to your program may also be needed. An example of this is if you have walking lunges as an exercise for your legs in your routine. You can modify them to be step forward or rearwards, alternating lunges.
Another great tip is to have a white board or even a piece of laminated paper on a wall, somewhere you can see, and physically mark off your exercises as you complete them. There is something very satisfying about marking off and having that visual acknowledgment that you are getting through the exercises.
The fundamentals of good nutrition – keep it simple
With the advent of social media and the internet, the information on nutrition has also come forth in a tidal wave of celebrity endorsement and bad advice. Two great principles to keep in the back of your mind when looking at what you eat are firstly, 2/3 and 1/3 principle. This means 2/3 of what you eat should be fresh, leafy greens and unprocessed. 1/3 of what you eat should be meats, dairy and any luxury treats you may have.
The second principle is related to snacks and other little extraordinary foods. Keep in mind that these foods are sometimes foods (eaten on one or two occasions over a week) not everyday foods (foods that are sources of those vitamins, minerals and energy, are eaten daily and we need to keep healthy). Those sometimes foods are often exceptionally high in energy and low in nutrient value. Greater amounts of these can sabotage your weight loss goals.
To help you with your weight loss goals from home, try a few of these tips with your training and your nutrition to get and keep on track.