A healthy diet to help manage stress

Most people experience stress at some time or another. Small amounts of stress are not harmful and in some circumstances can be quite useful such as encouraging you to meet a deadline but long term stress needs to be managed appropriately. The following dietary tips may help to manage stress levels better:

  • Have breakfast daily to help control blood sugar levels
  • Eat fish 2-3 times/week in particular fish that contains high omega 3 such as salmon, blue eyed cod, mullet, blue mussel, calamari, mackerel, oysters, herring, and gem fish (elements in these help nerve conduction for improved cognitive skills and help cardiovascular system health).
  • Consume adequate folate found in green leafy vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals, beetroot, nuts, legumes, and avocado (these help by boosting serotonin levels, which boost mood and reduce stress levels).
  • Ensure adequate protein to assist with satiety (has anyone ever been hangry? How bad did you feel?)
  • Participate in regular physical activity (for acute and chronic stress management).Eating well will go a long way towards helping you manage the stress we have in our day to day lives.


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