citrus_fruit_184425Your exercise tip – Exercise varieties like the genres of music – what is your taste?

In the modern society we have a virtual feast of styles and types of exercise we can use.  In each type or style, we have different methodologies that we can employ to our benefit.  So what is best for me?

A way of looking at exercise is comparing it to the genres of music.  From the coarse, gritty, heaviest to the sophisticated and sublime and everything in between, we all have a style or styles that cater for our varying tastes and preferences.  Just like your music taste, if your exercise keeps you happy, healthy and you enjoy it – that is best for you.  If I was going to have a classical pianist try to get down and grungy with a crashing bashing rock band, chances are that it would not last long.

Exercise (like music) has some fundamentals that are always going to need to be addressed, but outside of that, enjoy your exercise, play with the varieties and the style that keeps you healthy and happy.

Your health tip – Is there such a thing as a proven superfood?

With all the hype about superfoods, what is a superfood and is it really true?  Have a watch for your information.

Exercise of the week

This week we are covering an upper body exercise that is great for the shoulders and the triceps (backs of the upper arms) called the bench dip. tips for this exercise are:

  • Vary your hand positions to find a comfortable placement. Take care of the wrists.
  • When you first start out, have your feet in closer to the body with the knees bent. To increase the intensity, take the feet out further.
  • Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up- try and keep your eyes up, looking forwards, to keep the body in a neutral position with open airways.
  • If it hurts – stop!

Your life tip

Enjoy those moments of laughter in your life – they truly are the best medicine.

This week’s wise words

“The greatest gift to give to those who love you, is a healthy and happy you.”


Have a great week and keep healthy in 2016.   David.

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