Your exercise tip – Definitions of exercise levels
Continuing on from last week, defining recommended exercise levels and intensity, the next level you may see is called ‘substantial health benefit’. This means you are exercising to have a marked change in your health and the initial stages of losing weight. To achieve this, you need to:
- Exercise at a moderate level for 150 minutes per week, or
- Exercise at a vigorous level for 75 minutes per week.
Moderate exercise is described as movement that shows a marked increase in heart rate and breathing, while still being able to hold a conversation. Vigorous exercise is described as movement that may cause sweating or heavy breathing (leading to broken conversation).
The final level of level is called ‘additional more extensive benefits’. This is aiming for continued health and fitness improvement and weight loss. It requires:
- Exercise at a moderate level for 300 minutes per week, or
- Exercise at a vigorous level for 150 minutes per week.
To achieve results you are after, how much exercise and how hard does your exercise need to be?
Your health tip – What diet is better?
A study in 2006 of four common weight loss programs (Weight Watchers, The Atkins diet, Slim-Fast, and Rosemary Conley) over a six-month trial showed that initially there was some difference in amounts lost, but after 6 months all were very much the same. Interestingly, only 50% of the people completed the full trial.
In another study, reducing individual macro nutrients in a diet i.e. low protein, carbohydrates or fat, showed no difference in the weight loss results.
Food for thought.
Exercise of the week
This week we are covering a dynamic cardiovascular conditioning exercise called the bottom half burpee. This exercise is a real challenge, but is a great calorie burning, and good to add some difference to your exercise routine at home. Tips for this exercise are:
- Start slow, trying to improve the range (your ability to land your feet closer to your hands) firstly.
- Maintain an even pace, breathing where it feels comfortable during the exercise.
- This is not recommended if you have a weaker pelvic floor.
Your life tip
Help others this Christmas with random acts of kindness. It will give you a wonderful feeling of making a difference.
This week’s wise words
“In three words, I can sum up all I have learnt about life. It goes on.”
Robert Frost
Have a great week and keep healthy in 2016. David.